Taking care of our skin shouldn’t be stressful. Yet, with so much information swirling around the internet (we’re looking at you, random bloggers) and an abundance of product options to choose from, designing the right skincare routine can be something of puzzle. The following are a few tips from our board-certified dermatologist Dr. Brooke Bair on how to create an at-home regimen that meets your unique needs.
5 Steps to Owning Your Skin Health
I. Determine Your Skin Type
While weather and other environmental factors affect our skin, designing a quality skincare regimen starts at a more fundamental level: your personal skin type. Ultimately, our skin is genetically predisposed to certain characteristics that are critical to choosing the right products.
For example, some people are prone to dry skin, while others are oilier. Some have sensitive skin while others rarely battle inflammation or acne. Considering these factors, in addition to traits such as pore size, skin texture, and pigmentation are all part of a taking a more clinical approach to your product selection.
II. Consider Established Factors Such as Allergens, Family History, and Age
It should go without saying that one should avoid products containing ingredients they are allergic to, but that’s often easier said than done. Many of us unknowingly use cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreens that are not only suboptimal for our skin, but also may be causing unhealthy inflammation. We recommend coming into our office for a professional skin-allergy test. We perform what is known as “patch testing” in which we clinically evaluate your skin for over 80 common skin allergens and inform you of product alternatives to meet your goals.
In addition, your family history will play an important role when choosing products. Does skin cancer run in your family? Do immediate relatives exhibit more pronounced signs of aging than their peers (deep wrinkles, sagging skin, etc.)? Assessing these family traits can give you valuable insight and allow you to take preventive measures.
Finally, you should gradually adjust your skincare regimen over time. In your 20’s, focus on protecting your skin with a high-quality daily sunscreen and products that contain antioxidants. These basics of skin protection form the groundwork on which to build later on. From there, add a retinol in your 30’s to stimulate collagen production. In your 40’s and beyond, keep going with the sunscreen, antioxidants, and retinol, while adding in growth factors and peptides to boost elastin in your skin.
III. Design for Your Lifestyle
Step three is all about designing for your specific lifestyle. Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? Invest in upgraded sunscreen (yes, we’ll keep saying it). Do you exercise often? Be sure to clean your skin immediately after your workout with a quality cleanser. Does your daily routine include the use of makeup? Learn how to layer products so that your makeup isn’t negating the benefits of your skincare routine. Do you work long hours or have stressful days on a regular basis? Increase your application of antioxidants, which can help neutralize some of the free radicals that stress creates.
IV. Timing Matters
While it may not seem like your skin would care, having distinct morning and evening routines is best practice. Some of it is just common sense (for example, applying sunscreen as part of your morning routine rather than before bed) but others are less obvious (using retinol as part of your evening routine and pairing with antioxidants for deeper penetration). Moreover, beyond daily considerations, don’t forget to make seasonal adjustments in line with what the weather dictates. While sunscreen and antioxidant use are good ideas year-round, we typically advise toning down the retinols during the summer when sun exposure is high.
V. Glow from Within
We’re going to come full circle and end with more basics. While step one was all about understanding your unique skin type, step five of building an ideal skincare regimen covers the daily habits that encourage healthy skin from within. Think of it this way- the products you choose can protect and revitalize your skin from the outside, but our day-to-day actions are just as important in order to strengthen our skin from the inside.
Start by staying hydrated throughout the day (with water, not coffee, soda, or energy drinks). If you need some flavor, add some, but avoid the sugar (including fake / low calorie sweeteners).
Added sugar in our diets increases inflammation in the body, which can wreak havoc on our skin’s appearance and aggravate conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Aside from sugar, we also recommend limiting your consumption of processed foods, alcohol, and dairy, all of which are known to be inflammatory. That said, we indulge from time to time in a quality cheese board and glass of wine, and there’s something to be said for enjoying life’s little pleasures. So don’t feel like you need to be draconian about cutting things out completely. Just limiting them can have incredibly positive effects on your skin and overall health.
Daily probiotics have gained popularity over the past several years, and with good reason. Numerous studies have shown that improving our gut health (specifically the balance of healthy bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract) can improve skin health, reduce overall inflammation, and enhance the absorption of beneficial nutrients.
Other daily habits such as regular exercise, proper sleep, and reducing screen time all have a major effect on your overall health, which in turn will present outwardly in our skin and hair health. We’re certainly fans of hard work and enjoying a few good shows, but try to unplug, reduce stress, and spend more time socializing with friends and family. At the end of the day, those lifestyle choices paired with a healthy diet and exercise will do more to improve your skin health than any product can ever do.
Start Your Skincare Journey With Us
No matter how well we take care of ourselves, it’s important to schedule an annual skin exam with a skilled dermatology provider. Skin disease and skin cancer are highly treatable when identified early. Moreover, cleansers, moisturizers and serums only go so far, so when it comes to antiaging, taking preventive action is key. For greater results, we offer a number of noninvasive in-office treatments that work wonders in combination with your at-home routine. From peels and microneedling, to injectables such as PRP, Botox and filler, a comprehensive approach that includes at-home and in-office care will keep you looking and feeling your best for many years to come.